
Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Back to it

Hi, guys, I'm back. Now, I know I havn't really been posting recently, but I thought no one was really looking at my posts but me. So I gave up. Now, I know my content isn't the most interesting thing in the world, but I do know there are some people who take a few moments to look at my blog when I post stuff. And I thank you guys for that.

Now, what I'm going to do is start over with a new story. I'm not sure what I'm going to call it. But I'm going to start it, and if you guys want to make suggestions, you can. I have no idea what i'm even going to write. But I'm not going to go anywhere if I don't try. :)

The day was bright, the air was clear (bit if a cliche way to start) I was walking, no, running, er..... speed walking, down the street to get the school on time. I kept glancing down at my watch, worried sick that I was going to be late. I wasn't usually late. But I didn't want to start today.

I don't really know how this will turn out. But whatevs. I'm back and hopefully I'll stay. :)

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