
Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Holiday cheer!

The warning bell rang for first block and I no longer had any time to ponder on the subject any longer. I got up from my seat and left the library, still wondering about the girl seated under the window.

Yeah, guys, sorry for the delay in the update. My school had a computer shutdown and I couldn't post anything for a while. Anyway, I have a bit of writer's block but hopefully over the holidays I can get out some material. In the meantime have a happy holiday!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

New Ghost

I've been at Athena High long enough to know a few regular ghosts who wander the halls, a couple who like to posses computers, and about a dozen who simply sit in classrooms and stare at the students. For some reason I have never seen a single ghost in the library, which is why it quickly became my school sanctuary. 
To be honest, I have never seen this ghost in general before. I quickly distinguished her as a female because of her features. She looked so lonely, sitting there on the couch staring into the outside world. I bet she hadn't seen her family in years before she died. I felt sorry for her. I wondered why she ended up in the hospital in the first place. 
Suddenly, the girl turned and stared at me right in the eye. I froze. Her eyes where nothing but empty whites. Her gaze was cold, empty, and... sad. 
I wasn't exactly sure what to do, until she got up from her seat, walked to the wall, and through it.
I've never been so curious about the psychiatric hospital until then. 

Hoooo boy. This was easy... more or less. Anyway, I'm not exactly sure where I'm going to go with this story. I'm sort of just thinking or the setting, characters, and other basic information. I haven't even thought of the main character name, or gender for that matter.
Anyway, this is where I need help. I need you guys to come up with character info (or any other story info) if you can do that, it will be a huge help for me.

Thanks guys!

Monday, November 17, 2014


I got to school--thankfully--on time. I knew it was only 8:18 am and school started at 8:40 am, but I had a project to work on in the library, and I wanted to work on it before school started. It was a project for English class, where I had to do a reading assessment. It was easy, really, but I soon saw- a faint wisp of white on one of the couches in the library. Looking closer, I made out the image of a head, then a torso, then the limbs of the ghost--yes, I said ghost-- looking out of the window. 
My school is haunted by ghosts, it used to be a psychiatric hospital before it was renovated and reopened as Athena Secondary School. I was one of the few people who could see the ghosts clearly, as well as interact with them. Most people in school are afraid of the ghosts, and skip school because of it. Others downright refuse to believe that ghosts roam the halls of Athena High. I've never seen any super "evil" ghosts, at least not at Athena High, there are rumors that there is one, though. But I've never seen it.

OMG it took me a while to finish this for some reason. No, posts will not be consistent, but I will try to post as much as I can. But I really am happy that after my last post, I saw that some people do take a couple minutes out of their lives to read what I write, and that means a lot to me.
So, sappiness aside, how do you guys like the story? I was kind of struggling to find a good concept to write about, and I was really into paranormal investigative shows. So I decided to write a story about ghosts! It's not the most original, I know, but I will try my hardest in this one.

Thanks for reading guys, and I will try to write my next post as soon as possible!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Back to it

Hi, guys, I'm back. Now, I know I havn't really been posting recently, but I thought no one was really looking at my posts but me. So I gave up. Now, I know my content isn't the most interesting thing in the world, but I do know there are some people who take a few moments to look at my blog when I post stuff. And I thank you guys for that.

Now, what I'm going to do is start over with a new story. I'm not sure what I'm going to call it. But I'm going to start it, and if you guys want to make suggestions, you can. I have no idea what i'm even going to write. But I'm not going to go anywhere if I don't try. :)

The day was bright, the air was clear (bit if a cliche way to start) I was walking, no, running, er..... speed walking, down the street to get the school on time. I kept glancing down at my watch, worried sick that I was going to be late. I wasn't usually late. But I didn't want to start today.

I don't really know how this will turn out. But whatevs. I'm back and hopefully I'll stay. :)

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Rose Red

Sorry in the delay in the update. I had something planed yesterday morning (getting up at 4 am!) and I couldn't avoid it.
Anyway, the poem is a song called Rose Red. It is a camp song I used to sing at a camp I used to go to. The camp ended up closing. :(
I'll just put out a disclaimer here: The song itself does not belong to me, only the last two verses, which I added in to give it more of a story feel. I am not taking claim to the song.
Now, with that said, here is Rose Red

Rose Rose Rose Red
Will I ever see thee red
I will marry at thy will
Sire at thy will

Ding Dong Ding Dong
Wedding bells on an April morn
Carve your name in the moss covered stone
On the moss covered stone

Rose Rose Rose Red 
Sitting on the river bed
The sun has set for the moon to come out
For the moon to come out

Rose Rose Rose Red
Heading home to her cabin bed
Husband rest and the child sound asleep
And the child sound asleep