
Sunday, May 11, 2014

Rose Red

Sorry in the delay in the update. I had something planed yesterday morning (getting up at 4 am!) and I couldn't avoid it.
Anyway, the poem is a song called Rose Red. It is a camp song I used to sing at a camp I used to go to. The camp ended up closing. :(
I'll just put out a disclaimer here: The song itself does not belong to me, only the last two verses, which I added in to give it more of a story feel. I am not taking claim to the song.
Now, with that said, here is Rose Red

Rose Rose Rose Red
Will I ever see thee red
I will marry at thy will
Sire at thy will

Ding Dong Ding Dong
Wedding bells on an April morn
Carve your name in the moss covered stone
On the moss covered stone

Rose Rose Rose Red 
Sitting on the river bed
The sun has set for the moon to come out
For the moon to come out

Rose Rose Rose Red
Heading home to her cabin bed
Husband rest and the child sound asleep
And the child sound asleep

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