
Saturday, April 5, 2014

Elven War story piece

I suppose you guys are wondering where the bits of "Elven War" is. Good news is, I will post the first bit today. But first, (this is where you guys groan in unison) I will tell you what my story is about.
This story is about two princesses (this is where you guys start thinking my story is for little girls). One princess is Princess Monica of the kingdom of Taressa, also known in my story as the human princess. The other princess is Princess Alarah of the Forest Elves, also knows as the  elven princess. (This is where you all perk you're heads up and start thinking this is going to be an actually interesting story.) And that's all I'm telling you right now, even though I should tell you if they band together, well, you can tell by the clip of story i'm giving you today.

In the vast open landscape, I spot a small figure in the distance.
"Alarah, look!" I point.
She inspects the figure closely, "It looks like it's coming this way."
She was right, this figure gradually got bigger as we went.
"What is it?" I asked.
"A man on horseback," she replied. "Unarmed."
"Or so it seems," I say. "Be on your guard either way."
She nods, placing a hand on her bow.
We slowed our horses to a walk as the charcoal color horse and it's master approached us. I drew my sword from my back, and Alarah loaded an arrow into her bow. The figure took a crossbow from it's back and loaded an arrow into it, pointing it at us. Alarah pulled back her bow and I readied my sword.
The figure's horse slowed as it approaches us, eventually coming to a stop.
"State your identity immediately," I declared.
The figure hesitates. "I am Jasper, of the River Side Elves" he stated. "Who are you?"
"I am Princess Monica of the Kingdom of Taressa, and this is Princess Alarah of the Forest Elves."
He grinned."Princesses, huh? where are your crowns?"
"Don't mock us," Alarah sneered and strengthened the grip on her bow. "I cannot hold my grip forever."
"I will lower my weapon if you lower yours" said Jasper. I hesitated before before lowering my sword, in case he tried to do anything. Alarah did the same.
Jasper uncovered his hood (wait, what?! Listen, guys, this is still a work in progress) before lowering his crossbow. He, indeed, looked like an elf. He had long, pointed ears, long white hair, and deep sea-green eyes. He wasn't bad looking either, but I shook away that fact. Cross-race loving was very strictly forbidden in these lands.
"Why have you approached us in such a manner?" asked Alarah.
He cocked an eyebrow. "Why wouldn't I? The river-side elf kingdom isn't far from here. a scout reported you where seen crossing the river. I just came to investigate"
"Or," I began "You're a rogue elf trying to see if you can play us into giving you what you want. Nice story, but we need to be on our way,"I commanded Cocoa into a trot but Jasper stopped me.
"You're right," he said "I am  a rogue, but i was sent here while I was in the kingdom,"
"How can we be sure?" Asked Alarah.
"By coming with me," he replied, and commanded his horse into a trot as he began to head to a nearby forest. 
Alarah and I looked at each other. She nodded, I sighed. Then we followed Jasper into the woods.

So that's my "small" clip for today, don't forget to leave comments in the comment section below. I will write to you all next Saturday.

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